our donors
Jefferson Symphony gratefully acknowledges the members of our evergrowing donor family! These individuals and organizations have demonstrated a commitment to the arts and improving our community. The following reflects gifts and pledges received through December 2021.
Dr. William Morse Conductor's Endowment
Larry and Wanda Allen
Theodore and Frani Bickart
Camille Bradford
Robin Cloues
Robert Collins and Pam Brennan
Miriam Dickenson
Michael Eaton
Phyllis Eifler
Glenn Goodrum
Alan and Gretchen Goral
Sheila Grady-McBride
Susan Grant
Angela Gregory
Sallie Gwinn
Jennifer Henderson
David and LInda Kummer
Marion Malinowski
Paula and Jeff Menten
Peter Modreski
Douglas and Laura Moran
Kevin and Kathy O'Connor
Leon and Karen Oxman
Ryan and Karen Pring
John and Kathleen Ratz
Brandy Rivera
Ann Marie Rumley
Dendy and Marjorie Sloan
John Spear
Lisa Sprengeler
Illar and Rose Ann Taht
John and Sharon Trefny
Universal Music Co.