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Jefferson Symphony Orchestra


STEAM and Jefferson County Public Schools

STEAM is a collaborative effort with Jefferson County Public Schools.  The acronym is based on STEM, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.  Jefferson Symphony added A for Arts. JSO and Jeffco School administrators created a Project Based Learning program that involved students from Golden High School and Bell Middle School.


Some implemented activities were: a Golden HS art student designed the JSO’s playbill cover, the Bell Middle School Band and Orchestra performed a side-by-side with the JSO in the March concert, and the Golden HS art class created and displayed portraits of residents and concertgoers from assisted living facilities. 


A student at Green Mountain High School designed the playbill cover for the 2017-2018 season. The 2017 Holiday Concert featured the 24th Street Singers, a 12-person vocal ensemble from Golden High School.


Project coordination is facilitated by a STEAM TEAM.  Members include JSO’s Conductor, General Manager, and several Board Members, the Jeffco Public Schools Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction, three school district Arts and STEM Curriculum Coordinators, and others as invited. Curriculum Coordinators facilitate communication between the teachers and the Conductor or General Manager, assuring that JSO requests are clear and complete so that students understand the work.  Projects are implemented with final approval by the STEAM TEAM.


The artists involved are either members of the JSO (conductors or musicians), but may also include guest artists contracted to perform a specific task.  Musicians and other artists are often invited to perform with the JSO, so other art forms are easily incorporated.

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